How to lose visceral fat

What is visceral fat?

Visceral fat refers to fat that accumulates around organs in the body. Unlike subcutaneous fat, which accumulates on the surface, it is invisible and exists inside the body, posing an increased health risk. Here, we’ll take a closer look at the definition of visceral fat, its dangers, and how to manage it healthily.

What exactly is visceral fat?

Visceral fat refers to fat that accumulates around abdominal organs, such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines. Unlike subcutaneous fat, this fat is difficult to visually confirm directly, but it is said to have a large impact on health.

The dangers of visceral fat

Increased risk of metabolic syndrome As visceral fat increases, factors such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol are more likely to appear at the same time, which increases the risk of metabolic syndrome. .

Risk of cardiovascular disease High visceral fat increases the risk of coronary artery disease and stroke. This is thought to be because visceral fat causes inflammation in the body and promotes arteriosclerosis.

Risk of developing diabetes Visceral fat causes insulin resistance and increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Although visceral fat is difficult to notice visually, it is a factor that increases the risk to your health. It is important to keep visceral fat within a healthy range and protect your body from various health risks through a healthy diet, moderate exercise, stress management, and sufficient sleep.

Visceral fat and diet

Visceral fat may not be visible, but it poses health risks. Here, we explore more about a healthy approach to eating.

Approach to a healthy diet

balanced diet

A balanced diet is important to reduce visceral fat. Please note the following points.

Eating vegetables and fruits Eating vegetables and fruits rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals every day will help you feel full and reduce unnecessary calorie intake. can do.

Intake of high-quality protein High-quality protein from fish, chicken, tofu, eggs, etc. maintains muscle and improves metabolism.

Choosing healthy fats By consuming healthy fats such as olive oil and avocado, you can feel satisfied while eating your meals.

Adequate calorie intake

Adequate calorie intake is necessary to reduce visceral fat. Excess calories promote the accumulation of visceral fat. Try to maintain a balance between calorie intake and calorie expenditure.

proper hydration

Adequate hydration supports metabolism and helps eliminate visceral fat. Make sure to drink enough water with your meals. Take a look at the following as examples of recommended drinks.

Green tea Green tea contains a component called catechin, which is said to have the effect of promoting metabolism and suppressing fat accumulation. It can also be expected to have antioxidant effects.

Oolong tea Oolong tea is also said to activate metabolism and support fat burning. By drinking it after meals, you can also expect to suppress fat absorption.

Soy milk Soy milk, which contains soy isoflavones, is said to be effective in preventing the accumulation of visceral fat. It also contains calcium, which plays a role in promoting fat burning.

Lemon water Vitamin C contained in lemon helps oxidize fatty acids and activates metabolism. Squeezing lemon into water can help speed up your metabolism.

Ginger tea Ginger aids in digestion and has the effect of increasing metabolism. Hot tea or iced tea made with ginger can help fight visceral fat.

Water Water intake is simple but extremely important. Proper hydration promotes metabolism and supports the elimination of visceral fat.

A balanced diet, adequate calorie intake, moderate exercise, stress management, and adequate hydration are essential for combating visceral fat. By adopting these healthy lifestyle habits, you can prevent the accumulation of visceral fat and achieve a healthy abdomen.

Why can’t I lose visceral fat?

There are multiple reasons why visceral fat is difficult to reduce. Below are some of the main factors.

Influence of lifestyle habits Visceral fat is greatly affected by lifestyle habits such as diet, lack of exercise, and stress. If you lack a healthy diet and proper exercise, you are more likely to accumulate visceral fat.

Genetic factors An individual’s constitution and genetic tendencies also affect visceral fat. Some people may be genetically predisposed to accumulating visceral fat.

Influence of hormones When the balance of hormones is disrupted, visceral fat may increase. In particular, excessive secretion of the stress hormone cortisol can cause an increase in visceral fat.

Effects of aging As we age, our metabolism slows down and our muscle mass tends to decrease. This makes it easier for visceral fat to accumulate.

Problems with dietary content High-calorie, nutritionally unbalanced diets, especially intake of excessive sugar and fat, promote the increase of visceral fat. If a proper diet is not followed, it will be difficult to lose visceral fat.

Lack of proper exercise Exercise is important to prevent visceral fat accumulation. However, if you do not exercise enough, especially aerobic exercise and strength training, it will be difficult to reduce visceral fat.

These factors vary depending on each individual’s living situation and constitution. Reducing visceral fat requires a holistic approach that combines a balanced diet, appropriate exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management. If you find exercise or muscle training difficult, you can start with massage or stretching. It is also important to find a method that suits you while receiving advice from experts and doctors. It would be best to do something that is fun, feels good, and can be continued for a long time.

Does visceral fat affect healthy lifespan?

Visceral fat may not be visible, but it can have a serious impact on your health and longevity. Here, we will explore the effects of visceral fat on healthy life expectancy and the dangerous diseases that lie behind it.

Relationship between visceral fat and healthy life expectancy

Excessive accumulation of visceral fat can lead to health problems such as:

Diabetes Increased visceral fat causes insulin resistance and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

High blood pressure Visceral fat accumulation can put pressure on blood vessels and cause high blood pressure.

Cardiovascular disease Visceral fat affects the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease and stroke.

Metabolic syndrome As visceral fat increases, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol are likely to occur at the same time, which may lead to metabolic syndrome.

Dangerous diseases related to visceral fat

Fatty liver disease The accumulation of visceral fat affects the liver, increasing the risk of developing fatty liver disease. As fatty liver progresses, it can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Type 2 diabetes Insulin resistance caused by visceral fat is triggered, making it difficult to control blood sugar levels and increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Coronary artery disease When visceral fat accumulates around the heart, it affects the coronary arteries and increases the risk of coronary artery disease.

Stroke Visceral fat puts pressure on blood vessels and accelerates arteriosclerosis, increasing the risk of stroke.

To reduce the impact of visceral fat on healthy life expectancy

A balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and quality protein is important. Appropriate exercise and stress management are also important. It is known that many diseases increase the risk of death and shorten life expectancy. Get regular health checks and check-ups with your doctor to understand any changes in your body as early as possible. The impact that visceral fat has on a healthy lifespan is serious, so it is important to be aware of it.

Where visceral fat hides

Visceral fat can accumulate around various organs. Below are some examples of where visceral fat hides.

liver (fatty liver)

Accumulation of fat in the liver is called “fatty liver.” In this condition, fat accumulates in liver cells and prevents the liver from functioning properly. As fatty liver progresses, it can lead to serious liver diseases such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Pancreas (increased risk of type 2 diabetes)

Accumulation of fat in the pancreas impairs insulin secretion and effectiveness, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Decreased insulin function makes it difficult to regulate blood sugar and increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


Visceral fat may also accumulate around the kidneys. This can lead to decreased kidney function and increased risk of chronic kidney disease.

Around the heart (increased risk of coronary artery disease and high blood pressure)

The accumulation of fat around the heart affects the coronary arteries and arteries. It can increase your risk of coronary artery disease and high blood pressure, which can lead to cardiovascular problems.

Visceral fat accumulates around these organs, interfering with their normal functioning and increasing the risk of various health problems. Establishing a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, proper exercise, and stress management, is the key to controlling visceral fat accumulation and reducing associated health risks. It’s not too late to start today, even if it’s just a little bit at a time. It can be a walk around the neighborhood or just stretching. You can start with a massage.

Why men tend to accumulate visceral fat

The reason why men tend to accumulate visceral fat is due to a combination of physiological factors and hormonal influences. Below are some of the main reasons why men tend to accumulate visceral fat.

hormonal influence

Balance between Testosterone and Estrogen: Men have more testosterone than women, but testosterone levels begin to decline after middle age. On the other hand, the proportion of estrogen (female hormone) may increase relatively. This hormonal change can promote the accumulation of visceral fat.

Lifestyle habit

Dietary and exercise habits affect visceral fat. In particular, excessive calorie intake, unhealthy diet, and lack of exercise promote the increase of visceral fat. If you don’t have the habit of cooking for yourself and often eat out, think about the menu carefully before eating, even if you’re at an izakaya or ramen restaurant. You should also be careful about drinking alcohol. People who mainly travel by car or who work at a desk should also be careful.

Effect of age

As you get older, your basal metabolism tends to decline. This makes it easier for your body to accumulate fat even with the same amount of food and activity. Men have more muscle mass than women, and as they age, their muscle rapidly turns into fat. On the other hand, they tend to gain muscle more easily than women, so dieting will likely have a greater effect on them.


Long-term stress and increased secretion of stress hormones can promote the accumulation of visceral fat. You need to be careful when things are not going well at work or in your private life. Let’s look for something that can easily relieve stress.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can disrupt your hormonal balance and increase your appetite. This can lead to the accumulation of visceral fat. If you have a habit of drinking alcohol before going to bed, try to limit it to get a good night’s sleep. Also, instead of just taking a shower, take some time to relax by soaking in the bathtub.

These factors are interrelated, and hormonal balance and lifestyle habits are thought to particularly affect visceral fat. In order to prevent the accumulation of visceral fat, it is important for men to establish healthy lifestyle habits such as a balanced diet, appropriate exercise, stress management, and sufficient sleep.

Visceral fat is easier to lose than subcutaneous fat

The fact that visceral fat is easier to lose than subcutaneous fat is important when considering its impact on health and appropriate measures. What is the difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat, and why is it easier to lose visceral fat?

Visceral fat becomes energy first

When energy consumption begins, visceral fat is broken down first before subcutaneous fat. If you start a diet, you will notice changes in your visceral fat just by managing your diet. People who only have a bulging stomach can feel the effects of dieting the most. By continuing to diet, subcutaneous fat will begin to break down. Those who feel that it is difficult to lose weight in areas such as arms and thighs because they are made of subcutaneous fat will be convinced. People who imagine that subcutaneous fat is easier to lose may end up giving up on their diet. Think about which part you want to target, visceral fat or subcutaneous fat, and work on getting rid of fat, even if slowly.

Do you have a lot of visceral fat?

What criteria are used to determine whether visceral fat is high, low, or normal? If it’s a simple way to tell the difference, a tape measure is all you need. For men, visceral fat is said to accumulate when the abdominal circumference is 85 cm or more, and for women when the waist circumference is 90 cm or more. In the case of weight and body fat percentage, this method is the easiest and easiest to understand since it includes subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. There is also a balance with your height, so if you want to know more, please consult a gym, salon, or medical institution. People with a lot of visceral fat are the type whose appearance changes quickly through diet. This is an opportunity for people with visceral fat who are thinking about dieting.

Meal menu to reduce visceral fat

A balanced diet is important for reducing visceral fat. Below is an example of a meal menu to effectively reduce visceral fat. However, the ingredients and intake amounts that are suitable for each individual vary depending on their constitution and health condition, so it is important to consult a doctor or dietitian for specific advice.


Oatmeal topped with fruits and nuts

Yogurt parfait with chia seeds and fruits added to plain yogurt

Vegetable scrambled eggs and whole grain toast

Isn’t it unrealistic to have such a fancy breakfast? For those who think so, it is best to think of it as Japanese food when preparing it. We also recommend grilled fish, eggs, natto, miso soup, and seaweed. If you’re a bread lover, skip pastries and try whole-grain breads instead. If you haven’t had breakfast yet, consider getting into the habit of eating breakfast, even just one banana.


Chicken breast or tofu salad (with leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.)

Green salad with plenty of vegetables topped with salmon

Soup with mushrooms and spinach and steamed chicken breast

For those who make their own lunch boxes, small rice balls, fried eggs, leftovers from last night’s boiled food, and broccoli are easy options. When eating out, avoid rice bowls and oily dishes and look for soba noodles and vegetables-filled menus. For set meals, it is important to use less white rice. The daily accumulation is reflected in your stomach.


Grilled chicken breast, white fish, and grilled vegetables

Steamed sweet potatoes and pumpkin

vegetable soup

I want to eat whatever I want for dinner! I think there are many people who think so. I would be happy if my stomach area could change with just a few changes. In such a case, let’s change the menu a little. Thigh meat and belly meat are high in fat, so why not use breast meat or lean meat? Also, instead of just resisting and not eating it, I try to eat it creatively, such as steaming or grilling it instead of cooking it with oil. Of course, you need to consider the amount and time of day you eat, but try to find a way to continue eating for a long time that suits you.


Greek yogurt with walnuts and almonds

Snack of vegetable sticks and ham or turkey

Healthy fruit and berry smoothies

Nuts and small fish are popular with many people who can continue eating them without getting tired of them. Many of the foods we thought of as snacks, such as dried squid, are low in carbohydrates and fat, so have fun trying them out.


green tea or herbal tea

lemon water or ginger tea

Coffee (moderate amount, unsweetened)

Avoid juices and sugary carbonated drinks at this time. Juice contains more sugar than you think. There are many types of coffee and tea, so you’ll be happy if you find your favorite. We also recommend getting a new water bottle or cup to freshen up your mood.

Other points

Make sure to eat three meals a day.

Limit your intake of high-calorie, high-sugar drinks and junk food.

Ideally, you should do moderate exercise before and after meals, but if you don’t have time, you can do squats or heel raises on the spot. Let’s take care of being aware of this.

These meal menus provide a balanced diet containing quality protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. However, this is a general example and it is important to adjust it to your individual health situation and preferences.

Diversity of intestinal bacteria and visceral fat

Inflammation and Gut Bacteria Balance Reduced gut bacterial diversity can lead to chronic low-grade inflammation. This inflammation is thought to promote the accumulation of visceral fat.

Interacting with fat cells Intestinal bacteria perform fermentation in the intestine and produce short chain fatty acids (SCFA). These SCFAs may interact with adipocytes and modulate metabolism.

Influence and mechanism of intestinal bacteria

Energy uptake Certain intestinal bacteria can efficiently take in energy from ingested food. This can lead to unbalanced energy intake and promote visceral fat accumulation.

Metabolic regulation Intestinal bacteria can regulate hormones and inflammatory responses, and this is thought to contribute to the increase in visceral fat.

Measures to improve intestinal bacteria

Probiotics and prebiotics: By taking probiotics that increase the number of good bacteria and prebiotics that feed these bacteria, it is possible to balance the intestinal bacteria and suppress the accumulation of visceral fat. there is.

Food selection and dietary fiber High-fiber diets support gut bacterial diversity and may prevent visceral fat gain.

Healthy lifestyle Proper exercise and stress management also contribute to the health of intestinal bacteria and help control visceral fat.

The relationship between intestinal bacteria and visceral fat is complex, and new discoveries are being made as research progresses. A balanced diet, intake of probiotics and prebiotics, and appropriate lifestyle habits are expected to support the health of intestinal bacteria and contribute to controlling visceral fat.

Relationship between intestinal bacteria and obesity

Intestinal bacteria are a group of microorganisms that have complex effects on our health. Recent research has focused attention on the relationship between intestinal bacteria and obesity, and the mechanism is beginning to be clarified.

What are intestinal bacteria?

Intestinal bacteria are made up of trillions of microorganisms that reside in the digestive tract. These microorganisms play a variety of important roles, including breaking down food, absorbing nutrients, and regulating the immune system.

Relationship between intestinal bacteria and obesity

Composition of intestinal bacteria and obesity It has been reported that the proportion of certain intestinal bacteria changes in obese people. In particular, it has been suggested that there is an increase in bacteria that tend to extract energy efficiently.

Inflammation and Metabolism An imbalance in gut bacteria can lead to a low-grade inflammatory response. When inflammation becomes chronic, it is thought to contribute to the progression of metabolic abnormalities and obesity.

Effect of food Diet affects the composition of intestinal bacteria. A diet high in fat and sugar can promote the growth of certain bacteria.

Mechanism of influence of intestinal bacteria on obesity

Energy extraction Gut bacteria are involved in the process of extracting energy from food, which can lead to obesity risk.

Inflammation and Hormones Low-grade inflammation caused by gut bacteria can affect insulin resistance and fat cell proliferation, leading to obesity.

How to balance intestinal bacteria

Intake of probiotics In order to increase the number of good bacteria, we recommend consuming yogurt and fermented foods.

Proper Eating High-fiber foods and a well-rounded diet can help promote diversity and maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria.

Moderate exercise Exercise has a positive effect on the intestinal environment and helps reduce the risk of obesity.

The relationship between intestinal bacteria and obesity is complex, and is influenced by individual lifestyle habits and genes. However, dietary and lifestyle improvements that promote a healthy intestinal environment are expected to contribute to the prevention and management of obesity. Nowadays, there are many clinics where you can easily test your gut bacteria. We recommend that you first learn about your intestinal environment and then decide on a diet and health management method that suits you.

Starting a diet for your health is an important decision for yourself. The results you feel as you take each step lead to harmony between your mind and body. If you stumble along the way, it’s part of the challenge, not failure. I think it would be better to say that not starting even though you want to start is a failure. By taking care of yourself and persistently working toward your goals, you will gain a sense of accomplishment and self-fulfillment. This is like making a serious investment in your future. After all, diet is an important thing that allows you to create a future where you can live a healthy and happy life.
